Design a menu for Grateful Grind is a Coffee Shop & Cafe in Buffalo, New York, that can function for customers to use in store, and to-go.
The client presented a list of requested “menu items and descriptions”, as "bagel - 4.95, burger - 8.95, salad - 8.95, ect." The lack of descriptive and embellished names, and the fact that their seemed to be only one of each item done really well, lead to the idea of creating a format where the items became "The Bagel", "The Burger", ect, with their own bold sections, rather than listing the items under headers such as "Breakfast" and "Sandwiches". They already had a really distinct and colorful hand-done logo, which is where all the bright colors were pulled from in the design. The layout speaks to how unique and fun they are as a company while still letting you know that these guys are pros at what they are doing. They roast all their own beans and their coffee is some of the best in the area.